Project 3

The Heist

Consider the requirements of the project, were they clear?
Clear enough.
Did you hit the deadline?
Why not?
The biggest issue concerning my group was that we had a lot of trouble figuring out the sound equipment as it was not saving the audio we recorded to its SD card. We later found out that we had a faulty Shot-Gun mic. But even then we still had problems with audio so when our audio engineer was ill I decided to take control of audio and it managed to record fine. We still do not fully understand what he was doing wrong but as a result, we missed many hours of valuable filming time.
Did you work outside lessons at all?
Yes, since my group was lacking in audio, my group did foley and ADR in a separate room.
What process did you go through to make the film?
We give out roles, like my role was to be the director / producer.
Which part has the best lighting, sound, acting?
Best acting would be the first scene in the cafeteria, Best lighting is the outside chase scene and best sound is the cafeteria scene again.
Which part would you re-shoot?
Maybe the end scene in the gym?
What would you do differently next time?
Now that I know how to work the audio equipment we could actually film more in the time given rather than running back and fourth with problem after problem.
What five edits do you need to do next?
Add more audio due to lack of it and make the ending more clear.
What emotion are you trying to convey?
Suspense and regret.
Find five sounds that would help

Schedule your week of editing and re-shoots

Get more foley and atmos since we didn't get it all, this is to be done on Wednesday and Thursday.
Practical - get to final edit by the deadline (J)

A-G - blogpost H - screenshot folder I - schedule J - YouTube link


What would you do differently next time?

Make sure that the audio was recording properly as we had many problems with it.

What worked well?

Our ADR and foley worked very well and saved our short film.

What could you have done to heighten the conflict/drama?

Have more intense dialogue and acting.

Consider the ending - what would make it have a satisfying ending?
Having the security guard come in at the end to leave a cliff hanger.

Which class one did you like the most and why?

I liked Hus' groups the most as the car scene reminded me of fast and furious.
