Project 4

Ghosted - Film name
Running on a street with a tilt - Poster Trope
Thriller - Genre

Decision log



We like:

We don't like:

Poster recreation

Poster plan

Story arc

Idea 1

Idea 2

Feedback of poster plan

- Idea 2, too much negative space
- Idea 1, too bland

Colour Scheme

Image result for blue colour theory
Pinterest. 2020. The Copper Coconut: Color Wheel Basics, Schemes, And Dimensions | Color Theory, Color Wheel, Monochromatic Color Scheme. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 March 2020].

Image result for blue colour theory
The Land of Color. 2020. Colorgraphically Speaking Color Psychology Blue - Thelandofcolor.Com. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 March 2020].

Poster Mockup

Photos taken


Poster 1

Poster 2


What makes your poster standout?
I aimed for the poster to stand out from the phasing of the character and the double exposed text with added fog.

What are some elements you want to improve on?
Improve the main characters positioning and or scale as it looks like it doesn't belong there.

What changes to your workflow could you make in future projects to improve your outcome?
Having more communication between teammates as we only said things once and hoped that the other understood and did what the other said.

How did you improve your photoshop skills?
Making the text and adding the fog to it was something new as I had to work out how the selection tool worked and how to double expose layers.
